Brewheim Adoption Event Saturday, September 7th, 2pm-6pm at Brewheim in Anaheim,CA
Have foster-related questions? Be sure to visit the FAQ on our For Fosters page.
If you find kittens, first thing LEAVE THEM ALONE. This can’t be emphasized enough. One of the biggest mistakes people make when discovering a litter of kittens is taking them away from their mother. Nursing kittens are just like human babies and require feedings every few hours. Their own mother’s milk also carries immunities that babies just can’t get from formula. Their best chance for survival is to be raised by their own mother.
Assess the Situation
You found some stray kittens… but the next step isn’t as simple as just taking them home with you. Start with asking three questions:
Do they really need my help?
Are the kittens sleeping? Leave them alone. The mother is still caring for them. She may be off looking for food, like many mothers she may just be taking a break from nursing hungry babies, or she could be hiding and waiting for you to leave. Leave the kittens alone but check on them often to make sure the mother continues caring for them. You can also place some food and some water nearby so mom doesn’t have to far to get nourishment.
Not sleeping? Leave them alone. But come back and check on them in a few hours. If some are missing when you check, their mother is most likely moving them to a safer, dryer, warmer location. If they are all still there, and you still see no mother, then you may be their only hope at survival.
Not sure if the mother is still around?
If you haven’t seen the mother and aren’t sure if she’s still around, sprinkle some flour around where the kittens are. Check back in a hour or so and if you see paw prints, the mother is most likely still caring for them. Leave them to her care.
The mom is sweet and friendly.
If you are familiar with the mother of the kittens and she’s friendly (she’ll let you pet her or pick her up) you can really help her out by preparing a warm, safe spot for her to care for her new family. Place an old blanket or towel in a cardboard box and put it in a warm, quiet spot inside your home. Make sure mom has plenty of food and fresh water so she doesn’t have to go scavenging for food and leaving her babies to the elements and other animals.
An average cat has 1-9 kittens per litter and 2-3 litters per year. In her productive life, a single female cat could have more than 100 kittens. In just seven years, a single pair of cats and their offspring could produce a staggering 420,000 kittens.
Some Siamese cats appear cross-eyed because the nerves from the left side of the brain go mostly to the right eye and the nerves from the right side of the brain go mostly to the left eye. This causes some double vision, which the cat tries to correct by “crossing” its eyes.
Kiry, one of our foster kitties that was adopted, is a great example of how this occurs.
Lilies are one of the most beautiful and diversely colored flowers purchased in the spring. They are one of the most popular flowers in Easter bouquets and remind us that Winter is over.
If you have cats, however, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and MeoowzResQ wants to remind you that these particular flowers, including but not limited to, Easter, Tiger, Asiatic Day, and Japanese Show lilies, are a safety threat to our beloved feline friends.
Eating small amounts of grass and plants is normal for cats. But the entire lily plant (leaf, pollen, & flower) is poisonous to them. Melanie McLean, an FDA veterinarian, reminds us, “Even if they just eat a couple of leaves or lick a few pollen grains off their fur, cats can suffer acute kidney failure within a very short period of time.”
If your cat has eaten part of a lily, the first thing you’ll notice is vomiting soon afterwards. That may gradually lessen over two to four hours. Within 12 to 24 hours, the cat may start to urinate frequently. Then, if kidney failure sets in, the cat will stop urinating because the kidneys stop being able to produce urine. Untreated, a cat will die within four to seven days of eating a lily.
Young cats typically have healthy kidneys, so when a young cat shows signs of acute kidney damage, consumption of a toxic substance is one of the first things veterinarians investigate, McLean says.
Early veterinary treatment is critical. McLean says that even if you just suspect that your cat has eaten a lily, you should call your veterinarian immediately or, if the office is closed, take your cat to an emergency veterinary clinic. The vet may induce vomiting if the cat just ate the lily, and will give the cat intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration and preserve kidney function.
Other lilies, like Calla and Peace lilies, don’t cause fatal kidney failure, but they can irritate your cat’s mouth and esophagus. Lilies of the Valley are toxic to the heart, causing an abnormal heart rhythm. If you think your cat has eaten any type of lily, contact your veterinarian.
Lilies are not a great danger to dogs, McLean says. Dogs may have some gastrointestinal issues if they eat a lily, but nothing considered life-threatening.
Does this mean that you can’t have lilies in your home if you have a cat? Although it’s best not to have them in your home, if you want to enjoy these pretty spring flowers, McLean says to be sure to keep the plant someplace that your high-jumping pet can’t reach.
Visit the ASPCA’s website to view a list of plants that are toxic and non-toxic to cats.
The most common behavior problem reported by cat owners is spraying. These cats do not have a litter box problem — it’s a communication problem. Urine marking is a form of communication used by cats.
Rather than rewrite the information, please check the following links for great articles on spraying and urinating:
When kittens enter your care accompanied by little or no background information, do you know how to determine their ages? Age is an important factor in determining the best courses of care and socialization, and we have four key questions that can help.
1) How do her teeth look? Baby teeth start to come in around 3 weeks of age and permanent teeth at 3-4 months. The middle incisors are the first to come in around 14 weeks, with the second and third incisors following at about 15 and 16 weeks, respectively. Kitten teeth are tiny, which makes it tricky to tell if the incisors are baby or permanent. It’s easiest when you have some of both to serve as a comparison. The baby teeth are a little smaller with pointed tips, while permanent teeth are a little wider with flat edges.
2) How much does he weigh? A kitten’s weight in pounds roughly corresponds to his age in months, and he will gain weight at a relatively predictable rate until about 5 months of age. As long as a kitten is in good body condition, you can safely guess that a 1-pound kitten is about 4 weeks old and a 3-pound kitten is about 12 weeks old.
3) Are her eyes open? Kittens are born with their eyes closed, and they don’t open until about 10 days of age.
4) Is he walking and playing? Most kittens start walking around 3 weeks of age, but take a little longer to gain their coordination. You can be comfortable saying a kitten who is walking pretty well and playing is at least 4 weeks of age.
View the original ASPCA Professional article.
Kittens reach sexual maturity around 7 months. Female cats have an estrus cycle, also referred to as being “in heat”, several times a year, usually from January until late fall. In Southern California, due to our warm weather, cats will cycle all year round. For these reasons, it is extremely important to spay/neuter kittens as soon as they are ready.
The most notable signs of estrus in cats are behavioral. Most cats become very affectionate, even demanding; they persistently rub against people or objects such as furniture, rubbing against their owners and constantly demanding attention. They roll on the floor. When stroked along the back or spine, they raise their rear quarters into the air and tread with the back legs. They also become very vocal. These behavior changes often become annoying to owners, and sometimes owners think their cat has some unusual illness.
Many cats are lactose intolerant. It’s important that you don’t give your kitty milk that isn’t designed for them.
Foods that should not be given to cats include onions, garlic, green tomatoes, raw potatoes, chocolate, grapes and raisins.
Most cats are lactose-intolerant. Their digestive system cannot process dairy foods, and the result can be digestive upset with diarrhea.
Onion in all forms — powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated — can break down a cat’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. That’s true even for the onion powder that’s found in some baby foods. Along with onions, garlic and chives can cause gastrointestinal upset.
Grapes and raisins have often been used as treats for pets. But it’s not a good idea. Although it isn’t clear why, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in cats. And, a small amount can make a cat ill. Repeated vomiting and hyperactivity are early signs.
Chocolate can be lethal for cats. Although most cats won’t eat it on their own, they can be coaxed to eat it by owners and others who think they are giving the cat a treat. The toxic agent in chocolate is theobromine. It’s in all kinds of chocolate, even white chocolate. The most dangerous kinds, though, are dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. Eating chocolate can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death.
According to the Heritage Dictionary, the definition of “feral” is:
1. Existing in a wild or untamed state.
2. Having returned to an untamed state from domestication.
In layman’s terms, these cats are not used to humans, have not been domesticated, and are more comfortable around other animals than they are around people.
The simple answer is: A cat has kittens away from human contact. The kittens grow up outdoors, and are not handled by people. These cats naturally become shy around humans, and are cautious about letting us too close, just as any wild animal is.
Here are some examples:
In the above scenarios, the feral kittens that grow up to be feral cats, are all un-neutered and un-spayed. This means that within months, these feral cats are within breeding age and begin having their own feral kittens.
Usually cat colonies end up living in alleys, abandoned buildings, in shopping areas, business parks, and in rural areas.
Many people assume that if they leave their cat behind, their cat will be just fine. But unfortunately, the living conditions for ferals is not usually very good. The truth is, many feral cats die of starvation, dehydration, disease, abuse, getting hit by a car or being eaten by a predator.
According to the Feral Cat Coalition, “Studies have proven that trap-neuter-release is the single most successful method of stabilizing and maintaining healthy feral cat colonies with the least possible cost to local governments and residents, while providing the best life for the animals themselves.”
The short of it is: Warm weather brings kittens.
There are really three “kitten seasons” each year. Since heat cycles in cats are regulated by the weather, there is a outpouring of pregnant cats at the same time. Most cats go into heat three times a year, beginning in January-February. Since Southern California is warm, sometimes California females will go into heat four times a year.
A female cat will keep repeating a heat cycle until she gets pregnant. That is why it is very important to spay female cats.
Once a female cat conceives, it is only a matter of about 2 months until the kittens are born.
Normally, kittens are available for adoption when they are 8 weeks old.
Kittens are usually ready for adoption in April-May, July-August, and October-November.
Spring and summer are usually very busy for shelters and rescue groups, trying to keep up with the influx of kittens arriving every day. While it makes life hectic for these workers and volunteers, it is the best time to adopt since there are so many to choose from.
Note: Please make sure that any pet that you adopt is spayed or neutered. Thank you.
Spaying a pregnant cat and aborting, thereby killing, her unborn kittens is a hotly debated topic in many circles. Is it ethical? Does this killing really help reduce killing? Proponents don’t like having to take lives of unborn kittens, but their position is based on pragmatic reasoning. Opponents do not like the taking of lives under any circumstances, whether born or unborn, and feel the “rationalizations” of proponents are just excuses (See the article The Great Abortion Non-Debate).
Some argue that there are already more animals than there are homes for them and bringing new kittens into the world will mean the death of cats or kittens already born and in shelters. Others answer this by saying that “with 17 million Americans looking for three million available shelter animals,” this argument doesn’t hold water. The problem does remain that shelters and rescues become overloaded while trying to make the connections with those families and the animals ready for adoption.
As an organization, MeoowzResQ’s philosophy is that we will not knowingly and intentionally abort a pregnant female except on the recommendation of our veterinarian for health reasons. That being said, we never know early in a pregnancy and have female cats spayed almost immediately upon receiving them if they meet the age or size requirements. Our veterinarians know that if it is discovered during surgery that the cat is pregnant, they are to continue with the spay. If a cat is obviously pregnant and close to term, we do not spay and abort.
After interviewing personnel at several shelters, they all seem to have similar policies. If a cat is early in her pregnancy or sick, they will spay and abort. If the cat is near full term and healthy, they will let her have the kittens and try to get a rescue to take or, if they have a foster system, send them home with one of their own fosters.
Our goal is to rescue and save lives and, for us, killing unborn kittens is not accomplishing this goal. There is no short-term solution to this issue. The answer lies in responsible pet ownership. Pet owners need to be educated about spaying and neutering before spaying a pregnant cat becomes an issue. In the meantime, we choose to continue to save lives.
Spay/neuter education is part of our mission as well as spaying and neutering all of our cats and kittens prior to adoption. To find a low-cost program near you, search the ASPCA Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Provider Database by simply entering your zip code.
Please remember, this is our policy and philosophy, not our dictate for anyone else.
According to the Feral Cat Coalition, “A pair of breeding cats, which can have two or more litters per year, can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring over a seven-year period, and the overpopulation problem carries a hefty price tag. Statewide, more than $50 million (largely from taxes) is spent by animal control agencies and shelters for cat-related expenses.”
Also, mating of outdoor cats is one of the most common ways that cats spread diseases. To help keep your cat healthy, it is important to spay or neuter her or him.
Golden State Humane Society | Garden Grove | (714) 638-8111 |
Animal Medical Center | Fountain Valley | (714) 531-1155 |
Affordable Spay & Neuter of Orange County | Laguna Hills | (949) 768-1314 |
Animal Discount Clinic | Garden Grove | (714) 537-0570 |
La Palma Vet Hospital | Anaheim | (714) 535-1141 |
La Habra Animal Hospital | La Habra | (562) 697-3885 |
AAA Animal Hospital | Huntington Beach | (714) 536-6537 |
Acadia Animal Hospital | Cypress | (714) 821-7821 |
Clinico held at the SECCA animal shelter in Downey, CA | Downey | (562) 434-4210 |
“RUFF” Rescuing Unwanted Furry Friends | Helps injured and ill pets in Orange County and provides medical and spay/neuter assistance for pet owners and “rescuers” of stray or abandoned pets. |
(949)580-1982 |
For spaying of mother cats | Animal Network Community Animal Network |
(949)533-0411 |
The Orange County SPCA | Has the Animal Rescue Fund which provides spay/neuter assistance. |
714 374-7738
Spay/USA | A program of North Shore Animal League America, is a nationwide referral service for affordable spay/neuter services. Spay/USA can be reached via phone. Visit their website for more information. |
(800)248-SPAY or (800)248-7729
website |
Animal Assistance League of Orange County | Can assist with spay/neuter. Call AAL or email for more information. |
(714) 891-PETS or (714)891-7387
Long Beach & Signal Hill | Friends of Long Beach Animals SNIP (Spay Neuter Incentive Program) offers low cost and/or free vouchers to local residents requiring financial assistance. Call (310)635-2126 for a low-cost voucher. Their website is |
L.A. City L.A. Animal Services | Offers FREE spay-neuter vouchers for dogs or cats through six LA City’s shelters to qualifying LA City residents. Vouchers are available to low-income people (making under $40,000 per year) and are good at specific veterinarians only. Please contact 213 473-8253. |
LA City Spay-Neuter Van | Offers free surgeries throughout Los Angeles. Surgeries are scheduled ahead of time and are available to low-income people (making under $40,000 per year). Please contact L.A. Animal Services: 310 364-4282 for the schedule. |
Actors and Others for Animals | Assists in the greater LA area and surrounding counties (818) 755-6045 |
Seniors Animal Health Foundation | Offers financial assistance for spay/neuter of pets of seniors 65 years and older. Call (562)948-4979 on Friday mornings only. |
S.P.A.R.E. | Offers spay/neuter assistance for cats belonging to low income residents of Lennox, Inglewood, Comptom, Lawndale, Gardena, Wilmington & Carson. Please call (310)377-2998 |
Who | Phone | Service Provided |
POPCO | (877) 44-POPCO | Offers free or low cost spay/neuter assistance to residents of San Bernardino and Riverside. |
The Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley | (909) 386-1400 | Provides low cost spay/neuter services to pets of San Bernardino and surrounding communities. Call to make an appointment. |
BARC, Benevolent Animal Rescue Committee | (909)389-9552 | |
Pet Assistance | (562)691-3014 |
Who | Phone | Service Provided |
Coalition for Pet Population Control | 619-595-4505 | |
Feral Cat Coalition | 619-497-1599 | Free spay/neuter for feral cats. |
Spay/Neuter Action Project | 619-525-3047 | |
Pet Assistance | 619-544-1222 | Referrals to low cost spay/neuter |
The basic necessities you should have for your new kitty are:
When this occurs, do not punish your cat by swatting or hitting it. Cats don’t understand why you are doing this and they won’t learn not to scratch the furniture, instead they will learn to do it when you aren’t around and they will learn not to trust you.
Try this instead:
First, make sure you have something that the kitten/cat is allowed to scratch on. Cats need to scratch on something by nature, to help shed old layers of claws and it helps to relax them. Cats also like to stretch while they scratch, so a tall cat tree is preferred. If space is a concern, there are many alternatives. Look in your local pet supply store for options. Most cats especially love scratching on sisal rope and carpet.
Second, pay close attention when you are around, and as soon as your cat begins scratching something undesired, firmly say, ‘No’ and quickly pick up the cat and take him/her to the object which they are allowed to scratch on. The cat will probably be confused at first, and probably won’t scratch the post right away, but keep doing this. Eventually they will learn.
Tricks to try:
Most importantly, be consistent. Your cat will not become trained overnight, but you can train your cat. In our experience using the above methods, most kitties are trained in about a week or two.
We do not recommend declawing cats. The procedure entails amputating (cutting off) the first knuckle of each of your cat’s toes, which is inhumane. Visit for more information.
In the first picture, you can see where the cat’s toe is cut off. This would be the equivalent of someone cutting off the first digit of all of your fingers.
There is a high complication rate associated with this procedure and there are humane ways to train your cat not to scratch on your furniture.
Declawing cats is actually banned in 22 countries including Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. It is an unnecessary, major surgery that is often painful and the cat loses its ability to fully protect or defend itself.
Introducing a new pet to your home takes some patience.
The easiest way to bring your new cat or kitten home is to make sure the cat is in a carrier when you bring it home, so it feels secure. It’s best if you have a designated separate room or area for your new kitty to be separated from other pets for the first night at least. It’s best to not introduce your new pet directly to your other pets at first, because it can cause some stress for your new kitten and your current pets, and you never know how they will react.
Make sure that your new kitten or cat is comfortable in its new area, and try to leave something that belongs to your other pet in the room with the new kitten for that night. A toy or blanket is best, so that your new kitten can get familiar with the smell of the other animals in the house before they even meet.
If after the first night your kitty seems happy and is eating and playing normally, try introducing your kitty to a larger part of your home in its carrier. Put the kitty in the middle of the room and let the other animals in your home see and smell the new kitty and get acquainted with it.
You know your pets best, so if your other dog or cat is eager to meet new kitty, and the new kitty is not acting stressed, take kitty out and hold it in your lap while your other animals introduce themselves. This process may not happen overnight, but different types of animals can definitely co-exist peacefully!
Just have patience and an open mind, and hopefully your new kitty and your current pets will become fast friends!
Felines have sensitive digestive systems so switching over to different foods should be done gradually. When adopting a new pet, be sure to find out what kind of food they are currently eating so you can buy the same type, and then if you prefer a different brand, gradually change to the new brand over several weeks.
Unlike dogs, cats usually do not require baths. Cats are very clean animals and do a very good job of bathing themselves, and sometimes even bathe each other.
Generally the only time bathing a cat is necessary is in situations like these:
If you bathe your cat, please also remember to dry your cat. Towel dry as much as possible and follow up with a hair dryer if the cat allows it.
There seems to be an infinite number of situations that arise that cause people to feel that they can no longer keep their pet(s). Here are some things to consider when thinking about giving up your pet.
Are you considering taking your cat to a shelter and relinquishing ownership?
**We do not recommend taking your pet to a shelter.**
According to the American Humane organization, 56% of dogs and 71% of cats that enter animal shelters are euthanized.
According to the ASPCA the numbers are 60% of dogs and 70% of cats entering shelters are euthanized.
What does this mean to you? It means that chances are good that if you drop your cat off at a shelter, you are dropping him or her off to be killed. That’s stating it bluntly, but it’s the truth. If you think that your cat is so adorable and friendly that surely YOUR cat will be adopted….think again.
When cats are taken to shelters, their personalities often change. They get depressed, feeling abandoned, in a strange place with strange people. Cats often withdraw. Many times people mistake these previous happy-go-lucky cats, with ferals. Why? Because the cats are afraid and people perceive their behavior as unfriendly.
Are you moving and the new place does not accept pets?
We urge you to find a home that accepts pets. There are so many vacant affordable apartments and homes today, and many accept small pets. If you find a place you like that does not accept pets, talk to the owner or property manager to see if they will make an exception for you. If not, keep looking. You CAN find a place to rent that accepts pets (we know because many of our volunteers rent their homes and have pets with permission of the owner/property management).
Food for thought: If you found an apartment you LOVED and they said it was an adult only community and you have children, would you give your children away to the county? You might be laughing and thinking this is outrageous…yet many people do this same thing with their pets. A pet is part of your family too.
Are you thinking about trying to call no-kill shelters or rescues to see if they can take your cat?
Most no-kill shelters and rescues are full, all the time. There is a very slim chance that you may find one to take your cat, but chances are not good. When relinquishing a pet, most no-kill shelters require you to live in the same city or county as the shelter.
Rescues receive many calls every day from people wanting to give up ownership of their pets. Unfortunately, both no-kill shelters and rescues must turn people away by the hundreds because they don’t have enough space to house that many pets.
I’m in transition and may not have a home for a couple of months.
Consider boarding your pet. This may not be ideal in the short-term, but long-term, your cat will thank you for doing what it takes to keep them as part of your family. There are many places to board your cat that are affordable. Please note that if you drop your cat off for boarding, and in the future you stop paying for boarding, your cat may end up at a shelter. Another option is to ask friends and family to care for your pet until you are back on your feet.
Best Option: Find a way to keep your cat.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Second-Best Option: Find a new home for your cat.
You can check with friends and family to see if anyone is willing to take your cat.
You can also place ads for your cat to place it up for adoption. We have had very good luck finding adopters on Craigslist. Here are some tips when creating your ad:
A new option: Adopt a Pet and the PetCo Foundation have created a new way to find your pet a new home. Visit to find out more information.
Cats can sometimes be erratic despite serving as some of the most wonderful pets one can have at home. For most lovers of these pets, it is easy to admit that cats may once in a while be a let-down especially if they develop a spraying problem (peeing around the house). While this may be somehow unpleasant or even a real nuisance to you, with a little effort, it’s a problem you can do something about.
Here are top seven ways on how to stop cats from spraying:
1. Neuter your Cat
Neuter your cat immediately. This is one of the most effective ways to stop your cat from spraying. The urge to spray is adamant in Un-neutered cats. Both male and female cats can spray; however, the behavior is more common in un-neutered male cats. It is recommended that you should get your cat neutered before it attains the age of six months so as to curb the behavior from developing before it hits puberty.
Neutering has been shown to solve 90% of all marking issues.
2. Eliminate or Reduce Stress
Cats can sometimes be very sensitive to their environment. Changes of any kind in your house may cause anxiety to a cat. They can be upset by any event as re-decorating, new cats in the area, moving into a new house, new people or even conflict outside the house that you might not even be aware of.
It’s vital to do away with any obvious stressors if possible. Feed your cat at the same time every other day and keep its bed and litter box in respective places. If you have some visitors, try and keep your cat in a separate room, particularly if the visitors have cats of their own. Resist any temptations to punish or scold your cat for spraying. This will only make matters even worse.
In a nutshell, some of the things you can do to make your cat relax include:
3. If You Have More Than One Cat, Nurture a Positive Relationship Among Them
Cats that get along well are less competitive and are therefore not likely to spray. Play with all your cats together and give each one of them equal attention. Allow them to eat and sleep together. Allow them to groom each other by using a damp cloth to wipe them down. Also, make sure that there are enough resources for everyone including things like litter boxes, toys, feeding dishes and cat beds.
When you create a hospitable environment for your cats, they will get along and less likely to spray. However, its cat nature that the more cats you will have, the more likely they are to spray. Mainly this is because of pressure for prime spots within the house and resources. It is said that, in a household of five cats, one is more likely to spray.
4. Buy a Commercial Spray That Will Discourage Your Cat From Marking The Same Territory
Visit a pet store and purchase liquid sprays that will repel your cat with some unpleasant smell that only cats can detect. Your cat will avoid areas that you have treated or your houseplants. You can also use such sprays on selected areas in your home such as drapes and furniture which may help to disrupt the undesirable pattern of behavior.
5. Restrict Its View of The Outdoor
If a cat sees another cat outside, its natural response will be to mark its territory and that territory happens to be your home. Pull your curtains, move furniture away from the windows or cover the lower portion of your window. You may also choose to provide an alternative to a well-located place for your cat, maybe a cat house or play area to refocus attention.
6. Keep Strays Away
Since spraying is an activity cats do to make their territory, you will want to keep non-adopted cats away. Avoid putting water or food outside for neighborhood cats or strays; this will only attract them. Scare them away when they come about. This will enable you to keep other cats out of your cat’s territory.
7. Diagnose Any Medical Issues
It is vital that you take your cat to a veterinarian for a checkup. Research show that up to 30% of cats that do urinate in the house have an underlying medical problem. If your cat stops using the litter box suddenly, a urinary tract infection may be the culprit. Other signs of an infection could be licking their genitals while trying to urinate or even crying. Urinary tract infections are more common in male cats than it is in female cats.
A feline infection can advance in a much quicker way, so it’s important to get your cat to a veterinary as soon as you notice something might be wrong.
Spraying is definitely a problem that you don’t have to live with, So i hope my article will help you on How to stop cats from spraying. Whenever you spot spraying or identify its signs, the sooner you take action, the better.
Original article found at The Family Living
Many pet owners find themselves in financial predicaments when it comes to caring for their pets. The good news is, there are hundreds of pet financial aid organizations all over the country that can help.
Check out
Pets are a very important part of the family, and their overall health and well-being is just as important. offers a guide on why maybe getting a small personal loan might make more sense than paying for a vet bill with a credit card. Click the link below to check out what they have to say about it.
Pets are family. As such, damages they inflict on another person or their property may be covered under home insurance policies via liability coverage. Check out this guide that our friends at The Zebra wrote discussing this question.